
Wednesday, 21 August 2013

St Pius X Feast Day

Today which is the 21st of August it is Saint Pius X feast day. Saint Pius X was born June 2nd 1835. His name was Joseph Sarto . He was brought up in a very poor family with 8 children which was his brothers and sisters. When he grew up he wanted to be a priest so he tried very hard in his school and did studies to become a priest. Saint Pius X 
had become a priest when he was 33 years old. 

Monday, 19 August 2013

Cross Country

After weeks of training, this is the day I’ve been waiting for. I’ve been trying to lose a lot of weight so that on the day of the cross country I could have a chance to be 1st 2nd or 3rd place.

Straight after lunch on the 13th of August when the bell rang we all rushed to the lineup area so that we could get straight into the cross country races.

Finally everyone went quiet and listened to the teacher. Everyone was excited and a bit nervous as well. We went to the courts and were put into our age groups. I was in the nine year olds group and I was in the front of the line.

Later the teachers sorted out the juniors and came back to us so we could get started. They started from the 12 year olds and made their way down from ages. It took awhile for them to sort out the senior students, and it was quite boring to wait for them. Finally they got to us and we followed Miss G to the start line. Suddenly Miss G hit the blocks loudly and it gave me a fright. When I looked in beside me everyone was heading off down to the street so I ran as fast as I could to try beat the students in front of me.

Later, I found myself in the third place just behind Stephanie so I ran straight up the hill and then I was in the lead. Suddenly I looked behind me and I saw my dad in the taxi watching me with a strange look on his face, he looked like he was just going to yell and cheer for me. I stopped and waved to him but I should of not done that because everyone was running past me and I thought that waving to my dad was a distraction.

Later I was halfway past the street and I saw some St Mary’s College students waving the orange flag and cheering loudly. After a while I caught up to some of the Room 7 students when I was turning around the second to last corner of the race. Suddenly I felt a really bad stitch all over me and I started to get dizzy, really hot and weak. When I was just running to the last corner I suddenly and no one even noticed me and so I was left alone all by myself. After a few seconds I got up and started to jog the rest of the way. Finally I passed the last corner and ran as fast as I could to beat Ma’ata but she was still in front of me.

Finally I was at school and I was just running up the driveway when I saw Stephanie going to check in so I  tried to catch up to her. Ma’ata stopped and went to her car and I ran the whole way to get checked in to become second place. Miss G said to Ma’ata “Ma’ata, Rosalina just beat you because you went to your car”.

I was at the end of the race and I was proud of myself to take a place in 1st, 2nd, 3rd in the Cross Country, but I was also exhausted.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

My Celebrity

Celine Dion is one of the best singers in the world and she has also won lots awards in her singing and she has won 86 awards. Celine was named after a French song called “Celine”. She is the youngest out the fourteen children in her family and was the best singer out of all of them.

When Celine was a child she was raised as a Roman Catholic. Celine Dion is 45 years old now and she was born in the year 1968 and her birthday is on March the 30.

The first song Celine has ever performed was at her big brothers wedding at the age of 5. Celine Dion is my favourite singer and some of best song I love is her song the “Power Of Love”. Celine Dion has no children in her life and she has no husband. In 1989 during a concert Celine injured her voice.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

The Assumption Of Mary

We celebrate the Assumption because that is when Mother Mary passed away and her body Assumed into heaven. Some people say that she went into a dormition which means was in a deep sleep at that time, and some say that she died. When she passed away or was asleep her body rose up to heaven and that was her heavenly birthday, which is on the 15th of August. Pope Pius was the one who declared that her body went to heaven because nobody on the earth ever found the body so that’s why they said that she went up to heaven.When Mother Mary Assumed to heaven she became the Queen of heaven and she was in the middle of God and Jesus. Many people say that she died in many places but she died in Jerusalem.

Friday, 9 August 2013

Ant Army

Under the schoolyard there lived female worker ants that lived underground. They had a job to do every morning which was they had to go to the school and look inside the children‘s school bags. They found things like some books and a few marbles, a ball and one sock with a muddy jumper.

Later they found a cream donut and it was wrapped in glad wrap. They all gathered up into a group and ripped the glad wrap off. They all went back to their home.

Thursday, 8 August 2013


Mapping my Report Writing
A game with a racket and shuttlecock which is hit over the net using the racket.
The first serve of the game is from the right half court to the opposite.
You can play in singles and in doubles.
Opponents change court ends after each game.
A game consist of best of three,  21 points sets.
Racket, Shuttlecock, net
Hit the shuttlecock with the racket over the net and make it land on the other side of the court before your opponent can return it.  You can hit it - low, flat, fast, high, slow, soft or smash it.
Loose fitting clothing, professionals wear white. Needs to be able to suck up your sweat.
The first serve of the game is from the right half court to the opposite.
You can play in singles and in doubles.
Opponents change court ends after each game.
A game consist of best of three,  21 points sets.
It is not a hard game to play. Lots of people can play it.  It’s safe.  

Badminton is a game with a racket and shuttlecock which is hit over the net using the racket.

The equipment that we use to play badminton is a racket and shuttlecock and a net. Badminton is a simple game to play, all you do is hit the shuttlecock over the net. In badminton the professionals have to win 21 one points. The uniform the wear is white and has to be loose fitting clothing that sucks up the sweat. Badminton is also an Olympic sport that people play. Badminton is a very easy sport and you won’t get hurt while you’re playing the game. Badminton is also a very easy game to teach.

In the game Badminton you verse other people and you have to be really good at the game. Badminton has rules when you play the game and one rules is that you always erve from the right. In badminton you can play in singles and in doubles. The opponents always change after the rounds.

In badminton there is two ways you hold the racket one way is the fore hand and the backhand. Badminton is a good and fit sport to playing because it is an easy game and a fit game to play.

Monday, 5 August 2013

The 7 Sacraments

Sacrament Image
Name of Sacrament and what it means

Marriage means getting closer to God and joining together in front of God. Marriage means that a person wants to be with another person they love.
Holy Communion:

Holy Communion means that you’re going to receive the body and blood of Christ. One other meaning in that you participate in the Eucharist.

Confirmation means to be apart of something like being catholic.
Holy Orders:
Holy orders mean when you’re dedicating your life to God . Only Nuns and Priests can do it.
Baptism means when you are being welcomed to a family or a church. When you get baptised they dip you into the water or bless you with the Holy Water.
The last right:

Last Rights means when a Priest or a Nun comes and blesses you and says farewell before you pass away.


Reconciliation means when you go to a priest and he asks you what you want to be forgiven for, then you tell him all the things and he will forgive you.