
Friday, 25 October 2013

Jam Bus

Dear Jam Bus Team,
Thank you for recording Room Three. We all enjoyed being recorded and also we thank you for the CD you gave to us. I really enjoyed listening to the songs at home and sometimes on the computer.

I was really nervous even though I’ve been recorded before by my uncle. It was quite a new experience to be recorded at school because I’ve never been recorded anywhere but at home.

I really appreciate you guys letting us take our time when we were recording because we did take a long time when recording.

Yours sincerely, Rosalina

Friday, 18 October 2013

Squash at School

“Bang! as soon as I entered the hall a yellow ball passed my face as fast as it could. Then soon two young men were there inside the hall.I was so excited because I've never played Squash, but I have heard of the Sport.
I myself and also all the students in our classroom were really excited.

Later on when we sat down the two men told us their names and their names was Michael and Phil, they were our instructors for Squash. First off they asked us if we had ever heard of Squash or have you seen Squash on television, and I said yes and also some other students.

Soon after that they showed us how to played Squash and Michael and Phil had a Rally. Later on when the rally ws over we got sepperated into two groups and me and my friend Alecia Were the only girls in our group because the rest of the students were boys.
Later on when we were sorted we had to do Skills, ehile the other group was having a go at playing Squash on the other side of the hall.

Later on after doing some hard skills, it was finally our turn to have a go at playing Squash with Michael. Finally it was my turn and I was really nervous because it was a first time playing Squash. before we could start we had to stand in a cimicircle.
After that we took turns and the winner had to stay in and the loser had to go out. As soon as it was my turn i was really really nervous because I thought that I was going to lose. The person I was versing Miss G  and  I lost because my serve was too low so I had to go to the back of the line. Later on after it was time for us to go back to class so then when said thank you to Michael and Phil then we went back to class quitely.

Information :

In the game Squash their are two world champions

Boy: Ramy Ashour
Girl: Nicole David
Them two are the best players in the world for Squash. Ramy Ashour is 27 years old and he is from Egypt  and his Birthday is on the 30th of September 1987. He is also Right-Handed and he was born in Cario which is in Egypt.
Nicole David is a female and she is 30 years of age. She is also born in Malaysia and is the best player of Squash in the world for this year. Her birthday is on the 26 of August 1983. She also weighs 50 kgs and her height is 1.65 m
Squash was created by a school called Horrow’s School in England.