
Saturday, 16 February 2013

My Holiday

In the Holiday me and my family were going to Tauranga to go and see my uncle. We went and got our things ready and tidied up the house so that when we came back we do not need to do housework. We got in the car and drove to my nana’s house to say good bye.

Later on during that day we went to get us some McDonalds to eat on the trip. It was quiet boring in the car and we had nothing to do but play gangangamo. Later my brother and sister fell asleep and I was happy because my mum was going into the shop and she said I could come in with her, but it was too late because my brother and sister woke up and I did not like that because they always cry. Mum took all of us in and we bought some yummy ice-cream and we got some lollies.

After that we were at our destination and I saw my uncle and my aunty and cousin went for a walk on the farm and had a talk and we saw cows and they smelt yuck, we saw the cow’s poo and I felt like I was going to faint, but I didn’t.

After all of that me and my cousin walked back to the house and had something to eat and we went to see the pig and it was a male. Later we went back to the house and we went to the living room and watched some tv and christmas movies.

Finally we went to bed and in the morning we had breakfast and we headed back to Auckland. When we got back we got in the house and had a nap and after that we had dinner then went to bed.

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