
Friday, 27 September 2013

Duffy Theatre

Yesterday after morning tea everyone in the school was going to the hall for the Duffy Theatre. After everyone settled down, the show started the started. They first introduced themselves then after the they got change into their costumes and started the show. The name of the story was “ Duffy Loses his words ”. The story started when Duffy  was sleeping and then all a sudden a man came into his dreams and the mans name was Vautra and he  couldn’t speak propely.

During Duffys dream their was a lady called lovely and she was  from a planet called babies breath. After that when Duffy woke up he put on his t-shirt which said “Debbie” and the other t-shirt said Duffy. Later on when Duffy was going to take out the rubbish instead he took out the toy box. He was taking out the wrong things because he lost his words because Vautra took his words.

Finally when we were halfway of the show the girls name was Afi and she was good at rapping. When Vautra came Afi was rapping and when she said something that rymed with the word she said Vautra snezzed. So Afi keeped on raping and he keeped on snezzing and snezzing.

Later after the that Duffy and Afi had to competition of who can figure out the puzzle and the whole school also helped with the puzzle. Later on after that we finished the puzzle and we won.

Finally after we won we ended the show with the gifts and then we ask some questions and then they told us about  themselves.
What I liked about the show was that Lose was talking Samoan and she said some funny things that made us laugh and I also enjoyed play the Samoan claping game.

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