
Saturday, 30 November 2013

Cultural Day

“Oh no” I said to myself. I was so not looking forward to be going to school, because I knew that we were going to be doing our Presentation in front of room six and room seven.  I was so nervous that when I got to school I was so scared that I wished I stayed home.

Later on after the bell rang we went to the church to have our Senior Syndicate Mass. I was doing the prayers of the faithful and I was the first one to do the prayers of the faithful. Later on after the Mass we went back to our classroom to get our pencils and pens. We made our way to room seven and were given our rubric marking paper.

First was United Kingdom. United Kingdom had four students and they were going to tell us a few facts about their country. Later on after that it was Germany’s turn to share their information about Germany. One fact that they told us about was that Germany was the country to adopt daylight savings.

Later on after the five groups had finished sharing their information we all heard the bell for morning tea. So we went back to class to get our morning tea, but before we could get our lunch Miss G made us sit down on the mat to collect our Rubric marking papers.

As soon as we heard the play bell ring we ran to our dogue ball spot. As soon as the bell rang for us to go back to class we went to class then made our way to room six.  First off was India and was followed by Thailand. When it came to China I was marking their work. They said that the Great Wall Of China was the only thing you could see from out of space in the whole world.

We were very proud of ourselves at the end of the day.  It was a great day of learning and sharing.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Typing Test Score

Today me and my class did our typing test. We had to type as many word as possible, we had one minute to type as many words. I got 55 words in a minute and I got 16 words wrong, if I hadn't got sixteen words wrong and got them all right I would have 66 words and i would of been happy. I am still happy of the amount of words I got.

Comparing Communion Of Saints

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Touch Training!!!

Today after morning tea we are looking forward to doing Touch Training. The thing that I am really looking forward to is playing the games and learning how to play Touch.

I think we are doing this because it is fun and it also keeps us fit. It is also kiwisports for our school, The people that will be coaching us will be coaches from Touch, New Zealand.

Today during touch I am really looking forward to playing some ball games and also learning how to pass and to step. We will also be doing this sport for three weeks and when we have finished our touch training we will be used when we have a tournament with the whole school.

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Film Festival 2013

As soon as we entered the Hoyts Cinema we entered to see a bunch of students sitting on the red chairs. I saw the big giant screen and I was going to scream, but luckily I didn’t. Later on we sat down with the students from our class, I sat next to my friends Kanesini and Victoria. We were so excited until the lights went off and it was really dark and we couldn’t see each other.  

Sometime later the screen turned on and we saw the world and a man with a hook, hooking the world. Suddenly a student from Tamaki College said something before the Movies could start, then I saw my friend Alecia standing on the stage and Patrick introduced our class movie.

When it came to the part I was doing the cartwheel I felt so embarrassed because the shorts that I was wearing were so short.  I didn’t want to look at that part again.                            

A while later we saw some other movies from the different schools. My favourite one out of all of them was the Magic Teacher. The reason why I liked that movie was because the student was playing games during class, then he had an idea and went to the tunnel at the playground, and while he was playing a big message from the teacher said “ I know where you are, I know what you’re doing.” It was very funny.

Later on after most of the movies finished me and my two friends just sat back and went to sleep, but when Room 7s Film came on we woke up and watched it because that one was our favourite. I loved Room 7’s one because their Film was the video of their song Friends, We enjoyed it so much that we sang along with the song. We saw students from our school which made the song and video singing and dancing as well. That was the best day ever.

Monday, 11 November 2013

Who Inspires Me?

The person that inspires me is my MUM. My Mum inspires me because whenever she goes to work she says “Be good at school and never give up”. She inspires me a lot, because whenever we talk together and make funny jokes she always talks to me like an adult and treats me like an adult.

I love my Mum because she helps me in everything and always tells me “when you grow up don’t depend on other people because you don’t want to end up living a hard life.” That is why she inspires me a lot.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Copy of Prompt 5

“ Come on David are seriously going to suck my hair with a dad’s  hair machine of whatever it’s called,” exclaimed Susan. “ Ah…. yeah, if you don’t move you won’t feel a thing.” “Please don’t do it, it going to feel weird and and scary as well.’

Later on as soon as David and Susan’s mum had come back from work, David ran to put away the hair Machine and Susan did her hair like it was before. Their mum asked them “Now what did my little children during the day when their mother was out and about? “ Mum were not little children anymore, you know I’m only 19 years old, and brother is 21, said Susan reminding her mum. “Or right then your not my little children anymore, you’re my big 19 year old daughter and you’re my 21 year old son”,said mum.

When is was 10 o’clock and mum was at a dinner. Susan asked David “should we play with dads Machine”, David answered “ Yes lets go see if the Machine is Dads shed. Susan put her shoes on and David and made their way to the front door.

So after a while Susan and David could hear a noise on their way to the shed. The noise sounded like someone was breathing out loud. Susan came up with an idea she whispered it into David’s ear and tried it but it never worked. So Susan and David ran into the house like scaredy cats and when the had entered the house they locked the doors and went to bed thinking they were going to have bad dreams. But the person was still outside the window staring and Susan with his eyes glowing red like a Dragon.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Copy of Practice Writing

In and forest where all different creatures lived, many different animals lived with different kinds. There was a animal that was named Martin, he never had any friends and he was seporated from his family when he was a young baby. Most animals would push him around and say hash things to him, like “ Shame on you that you have no family and no friends or even a home, were lucky because we have everything you don’t have,” shouted the Red Panda.

When the sun went down everyone went and snuggled up in their trees with their families. Martin was the odd one out because he didn’t know where to sleep for , so he stayed up looking at the night sky, but he wasn’t the only one awake. “Oh no not those Red Pandas again”, Martin climbed as fast as he could, but the Pandas were right behind him and tried to reach out and pull Martin down. Martin slowed down and the reason for that was because the Red Pandas were say mean horrible things, during the chase one of the Pandas had fell on one of the branches and hurt himself really bad. With happiness Martin hashly said “ Shame on you Panda, you ugly little snot nose.

Later on after that incident the Pandas returned to their home injured and sick, while Martin was busy looking at himself in the pond. When Martin had returned to his home he could see some humans bring Martins kind. Martin was so happy that when the other tiny monkeys had come out of the cage he played with them all night and he lived a life he always wanted to have. With friends and family and he also meet a girl and later on the Tiny Monkeys became very popular in the world.

Friday, 1 November 2013

Prompt writing 1


“Seriously there are no places to put our tent. I think we should go to another beach because some people don’t want to share the environment with us, come, lets go Lisa, hurry up Johnny” said Clare.
“There, right there’s a spot to put our tent up, we’ll go there before it gets taken.” said Lisa with excitement. “Johnny you go and get the food from the shop just across the road”, said Lisa. “ Clare you can go and get the mat since you forgot it in the car,” as if Lisa was the Queen Of the city.

Later on when Clare got the mat and Johnny had got the food they both meet up at the tree on the footpath. They started to mumble like nobody else was listening, and Johnny said “Man, Lisa’s acting like she rules the world and keeps on telling us what to do”, “ I know right” agreed Clare. “Sometimes I think, why can’t Lisa do things herself instead of telling us what to do?” complained Johnny.

When they got back to the tent, Lisa was busy reading her magazine and just looking at the pictures of pretty dresses and saying to herself “I wish I had one of those dresses”, repeating the sentence over and over again. Later on after Lisa had finished saying the sentence, Lisa said with greediness “I want Clare to buy me a dress just like this one on the magazine and Johnny you can buy me the same high heels in this Magazine right now,”.

However, this time Clare stood up for herself and said to Lisa “No I’m not going to go and buy you a dress or anything else for you Lisa!” Clare and Johnny left Lisa sitting on her own and enjoyed the rest of the day having fun in the sun without being told what to do all day.