“Oh no” I said to myself. I was so not looking forward to be going to school, because I knew that we were going to be doing our Presentation in front of room six and room seven. I was so nervous that when I got to school I was so scared that I wished I stayed home.
Later on after the bell rang we went to the church to have our Senior Syndicate Mass. I was doing the prayers of the faithful and I was the first one to do the prayers of the faithful. Later on after the Mass we went back to our classroom to get our pencils and pens. We made our way to room seven and were given our rubric marking paper.
First was United Kingdom. United Kingdom had four students and they were going to tell us a few facts about their country. Later on after that it was Germany’s turn to share their information about Germany. One fact that they told us about was that Germany was the country to adopt daylight savings.
Later on after the five groups had finished sharing their information we all heard the bell for morning tea. So we went back to class to get our morning tea, but before we could get our lunch Miss G made us sit down on the mat to collect our Rubric marking papers.
As soon as we heard the play bell ring we ran to our dogue ball spot. As soon as the bell rang for us to go back to class we went to class then made our way to room six. First off was India and was followed by Thailand. When it came to China I was marking their work. They said that the Great Wall Of China was the only thing you could see from out of space in the whole world.
We were very proud of ourselves at the end of the day. It was a great day of learning and sharing.