
Sunday, 17 November 2013

Film Festival 2013

As soon as we entered the Hoyts Cinema we entered to see a bunch of students sitting on the red chairs. I saw the big giant screen and I was going to scream, but luckily I didn’t. Later on we sat down with the students from our class, I sat next to my friends Kanesini and Victoria. We were so excited until the lights went off and it was really dark and we couldn’t see each other.  

Sometime later the screen turned on and we saw the world and a man with a hook, hooking the world. Suddenly a student from Tamaki College said something before the Movies could start, then I saw my friend Alecia standing on the stage and Patrick introduced our class movie.

When it came to the part I was doing the cartwheel I felt so embarrassed because the shorts that I was wearing were so short.  I didn’t want to look at that part again.                            

A while later we saw some other movies from the different schools. My favourite one out of all of them was the Magic Teacher. The reason why I liked that movie was because the student was playing games during class, then he had an idea and went to the tunnel at the playground, and while he was playing a big message from the teacher said “ I know where you are, I know what you’re doing.” It was very funny.

Later on after most of the movies finished me and my two friends just sat back and went to sleep, but when Room 7s Film came on we woke up and watched it because that one was our favourite. I loved Room 7’s one because their Film was the video of their song Friends, We enjoyed it so much that we sang along with the song. We saw students from our school which made the song and video singing and dancing as well. That was the best day ever.

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