
Thursday, 13 March 2014


Title: Pranks

This recount is about funny things and pranks.

One funny prank was when my cousin was under my brothers bed. My uncle was whistling at night time and I said to him, “shut up if keep whistling the ghost will come”.
then my cousin crawled to the switch and turned the computer screen on and off several times.

One other time I was at home with my dad and we were watching pranks on youtube. On the screen was a man who was driving around the street in an ice-cream truck, and when people would asked for their order he would give them vegetables instead.

One prank was when my cousin and my aunties and uncles and me went the sky tower and in the sky tower we were on our way up to the top and when we entered the elevator my cousin wanted to have a race who could get out of the elevator first. When the elevator opened, this man had a big massive fake hand and hit my cousin and uncle with it and I started to laugh so did everyone else. Then my aunty said to the both of them not to run out of the elevator because that might happen again.

My last prank is when I was looking at the stars with the window open and night and my cousin popped up with the halloween mask and I screamed and then everyone laughed at me and then I got in trouble for screaming.

I really enjoy doing pranks especially when the person ends up getting in trouble.

1 comment:

  1. Wow those prank's are funny.
    I hope you had fun doing it.
    Keep up the good work


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