
Monday, 24 June 2013

Pool Description

At school we got a swimming pool that is going to stay for the term. We took lessons and we sometimes have free time. The pool is huge and white and inside the pool is water.

The pool is very long and looks like a rectangle. Inside the pool there is water and it smells like chlorine. The water is blue and the pool is kind of deep and see through.

The pool has a gate and it has stairs to enter the pool. The pool is sometimes cold and warm. It sounds like the rough sea that sways from one side to the other hitting banks on the shore. Outside the pool there is a marquee which is a shelter.

The pool feels wet and sometimes the water can make your eyes red when you open them in the water. The pool is 15  meters long and 1 meter deep.

Sometimes the pool can be as deep as a pond. The pool is sometimes as  warm as a spa. The marque is as white as the snow top hills in the South Pole. The water is flat like a mirror.

The thing that I love about the pool is that we get to do anything in the water and we get to have free time and do lessons. Also in the pool our voices echo when we speak.

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