
Saturday, 15 June 2013

Swimming Recount

Two weeks ago we had a swimming pool arrive at our school. We had two instructors, one was a girl and the other one was a boy, their names were Jillian and Kevin. They were teaching all the students in our school how to swim. Our class did all sorts of things in the water, like gliding and floating and arm circles.

We went everyday mostly after morning tea. When it was our turn to go we would get changed into our togs and get our towel and run to the pool. We put our bags into the girls tent and hung our towel on the fence. Jillian opened the gate, we lined up near the fence. One by One we went into the pool and we had to go to the two corners. We would end up like a group. After we got a board each and had to swim to the other side, it was quite hard for me to swim because when I got into the pool it was quite deep.

Today when we went swimming, me and Victoria and Alecia all got changed at the same time and we went together to the pool. Later on when we were in the pool Jillian told us to go to the corners, we did a warm up, which we had to swim to the other side of the pool. After that we practised gliding and did some arm circles and floating. We had a breathing contest and races. We had to get into groups of three so me, Alecia and Victoria all got into a group. When it was our turn we had to race and we didn’t know who won but I think Alecia won the race.   After that we practised gliding without taking a breath. If we listened to Jillian and did the things she said we would get free time. When it was time to get out we would give Jillian a high five and get out.

The thing I loved about swimming is getting to know how to survive in the water.

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